Thursday, June 10, 2004

transition zones

I am copying this wholesale from Steve's blog. As I said in a comment over there, I've been back five (okay, so I estimated low) times to ponder over this post:

From the Department of Natural Resources:

EMERGENT WETLANDS (MARSHES): Emergent wetlands are considered the transition zone between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. These wetlands are usually found in association with streams or other watercourses, but can also be fed by groundwater.

Do we fully appreciate the very now of this transition zone, or are we scrambling for dry ground? What are our streams, our life-giving assocations? Is our groundwater healthy, or has it started to rot? [this is Steve's query]

I think Steve was looking at this from an emerging church perspective, but I'm struck by the personal aspect of the analogy. Can I appreciate the transition zones in my life or do I feel the need to haul myself up on a rock, out of harm's way?

Wow. Thanks, Steve. You're awesome.


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