Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Seven Things

Tonya tagged me with the Seven Things meme. She's prompted a brief blogging come back!

Seven Things To Do Before I Die

1. Take a year off and travel the globe;
2. Become fluent in a foreign language;
3. Get a tatoo;
4. Go parachuting;
5. Have a family;
6. Climb Mt. Kilamanjaro; and
7. Paint a body of artwork.

Seven Things I Can Not Do

1. Math on the fly;
2. Get enthusiastic about going to the gym;
3. Be calm around snakes;
4. Stop traveling;
5. Balance my cheque book;
6. Jump off cliffs; and
7. ski.

Seven Things that Attract Me to My Husband [romantic interest, best friend, whomever] (well, that's me right now. So here are 7 things I love about myself):

1. I'm genuinely curious about other people;
2. I'm good at putting people at ease;
3. I'm always honest with myself;
4. I'm a pilgrim;
5. my sparkly green eyes;
6. I'm a spiritual seeker; and
7. My willingness to laugh - at me and others.

Seven Things I Say Most Often:

1. What's going on for you?
2. It sounds like...
3. Would you like some coffee?
4. Whatever floats your boat;
5. So what I hear you saying is...
6. f*ck;
7. Mmmmmmm....

Seven Books (or series) I Love:

1. Anne of Green Gables (series);
2. Susan Howatch - Glittering Images through to the Wonder Worker;
3. Maus;
4. Let Your Life Speak - Parker J. Palmer;
5. Travelling Mercies - Annie Lamott;
6. Dance of the Dissident Daughter - Sue Mond Kidd;
7. Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men - Lundy Bancroft

Seven Movies I Would Watch Over and Over Again:

1. Wizard of Oz;
2. Sound of Music;
3. Beautiful Mind;
4. Power of One;
5. ??
7. Can you tell I'm not a big movie watcher?

Thanks Tonya!


Blogger Alcluith said...

Hi Lisa,

Good to meet you the other night! I'm a big fan of Anne and the Susan Howatch novels too - I think "Mystical Paths" is my favourite.


3:02 p.m.  

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