Monday, June 20, 2005

my other world

I was born for the water. My mom tells me that I swam as naturally as I crawled; to this day, slipping into the water gives me freedom that the land doesn't. I am beautiful in the water; fluid, graceful and smooth. I'm those things on land as well, but magnified in the water.

I've taken to swimming a couple times a week at Kit's pool. It is a 137m outdoor heated pool. Absolute bliss. Truly, truly bliss. I'm learning interesting lessons at Kits: no, I can't compete with the triathlon swimmers - they're too fast. Yes, I can twist and pull and improve my stroke. Most importantly, I am listening to me - I swim as short or long, as fast or slow as I want to that day.

p.s. thanks for all the kind comments. It's lovely to be missed! Has anyone had their sharpie out? I'm just off to get mine...


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