Wednesday, January 05, 2005

a belated new years post

Happy New Years all. As a friend emailed today, New Years always starts with such promise. I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge that for many, this is an extraordinary tough start to this particular year. As an aside, I am proud that our government is matching all donations - that will go a long way to help.

Andrea over at the Superhero blog (well worth a regular visit), talked about the various New Years lists she makes. Here are a couple of my lists:

10 Things I Am Grateful For

1. Meaningful work.
2. Healthy arms and legs.
3. Bright coloured scarves.
4. The Examen.
5. Friends who search the deep places in life.
6. Bright eyes.
7. Big flavours (limes, garlic, papayas, coconut milk, sharp cheddar cheese, Gort's Gouda...).
8. Sunshine.
9. Being loved by a child.
10. New ways to know and interact with God.

10 Things I Intend to Welcome Into my Life in 2005

1. Laughter.
2. Success at work.
3. Truth telling.
4. Compliments from others.
5. A new couch.
6. Unexpected love.
7. New skills in conflict resolution.
8. Resource - financial, spiritual and practical.
9. Comfort with my body image.
10. Movement that makes me want to twirl and laugh.

Things I Learned in 2004

1. It's never to early to take risks.
2. The world won't fall apart if I stick up for myself.
3. There is greater spiritual freedom in dwelling in reality than in desired change.
4. You can be happy and sad at the same time.
5. Grief does not have a timetable.
6. The difference between a healthy and not so healthy brain.
7. That I look great in pink.
8. When you follow your intuition, remarkable pathways open up.
9. I'm better than I thought at my work.
10. Waiting often opens up greater opportunities that pursuit does.

You? Comments are open.


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