Wednesday, December 15, 2004

goat equivalents

We are now up to five goats/goat equilavents. As you may have already noticed, this whole exercise is less about goats specifically and more about reminding ourselves to use our wealth generously in the lead up to the holiday season.

How many amongst the readers are travellers? [Lisa raises her hand]. One of the major reasons I travel is to give myself a reality check that people live differently than I do. Different customs, different cultures, different ways of expressing love and emotions, different foods, different celebrations. Travelling also reminds me that I have been given many resources to steward and I better damn well take that responsiblity serious.

No, the above isn't a exercise in flagellation. The goat blog is an exercise in gratitude. Whereever you chose to put your resources this holiday and year round, I hope you are able to do so enthusiastically, generously to the point of pinching, and in a way that widens your world and that of those around you. Let's celebrate together and with others the spirit of umbutu that connects us all!


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