Monday, November 08, 2004

transition time

Anj and Bobbie are likely crossing back into the US right about now. They started their journies back home while it was still dark. I'm sitting here looking out across the city, enjoying the aftermath of the sunrise - all soft purples and pale pinks. Despite the forecast, it will be a bit sunny today.

Now is the transition time. I pray it will be graceful and life giving. As an extrovert, I'm jazzed up by being around people. Spiritually, I'm able to fire on all cylinders and move gracefully and naturally into my own. I don't want to lose that naturalness now that I'm back in my ordinary life on my own. For me, one of the great joys about being around other people is the constant encouragement to 'look up'. The past weekend has been a real gem of a 'look up' time. I've cemented friendships this weekend that I will enjoy for a long time to come. I've dropped off a couple of things that were long ago destined for the [s]crap heap, but that I was too scared or lazy to leave by the wayside. Although I was not a Path participant, the Way has been made in me this weekend.

And now my body is tired. My concentration is wobbly. I've got new clients to see today and situations I have to walk confidently back into. Real transition is not going from high to low, or high to high, but from place to place, weaving things together into a balanced pattern.


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