Tuesday, August 03, 2004

hammer + nail = bang on

This is an absolutely frickin' brilliant post by Jen:

but really, clinical depression & her cousins aside, how many problems do you have that would not be drastically improved if you had wonderful people in your life who actually descended on you when you were in a state and helped dig you out of whatever trauma you currently felt trapped by? what fog of dismay could not be dramatically lifted by someone scrubbing your toilet, feeding you hot soup in bed and generally treating you like you're horribly sick, only it's your soul that's making everything feel so crummy? what soul sickness could not be cured by the hourly, weekly or monthly sitting shiva for the parts of you that died along with that trauma? with nice cashews and dried apricots and hot kenyan tea to go around while everyone listened to your stories?

Do not stop to collect your $200.00 on your direct route to read the whole post. And hey Whatever, I think we're maybe on the road to this. Let's keep our sights fixed on this goal.


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