Friday, December 08, 2006

post Christmas party fullness

Back to more haiku writing to celebrate dinner at Nyala:

it is a good thing
to own and wear stretchy pants
no more food for days

okay, that was technically accurate (5:7:5), but lame. Let's try again:

laughter salts the food
stories of a dremel fire
I spit my beer out

Nope, still too light hearted for a stern and steady haiku but it does refer to a true story. One of my co-workers, a not particularly handy one, was telling about the flames that occurred - twice - when he was using another co-workers' dremel tool. Unfortunately, I had just taken a sip of my beer.

Okay, one last try:

freely flowing beer
no forks, only fingers
makes for lots of laughs


Blogger Admin said...

lol..its good...

12:48 a.m.  
Blogger Bobbi said...

I feel like I could have been there - beer spew and all. Thanks for writing.

11:21 p.m.  

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