Tuesday, November 07, 2006

a flower to brighten my cloudy day

Sometimes I wonder if Vancouver is two totally separate places - one place of sparkling glass and lovely mountains in the sunshine, and another place where no buildings over two stories tall can be seen in the clouds and rain. Is it me that transforms (regresses?) in the rain or the city?

In any event, the attached was taken in the Nunnery on the Isle of Iona. It is totally untouched - this was the colour in person.

p.s. Susan - I'm not sure as this counts as a legitimate update, given that you already have the photo!


Blogger Alcluith said...

That's a lovely photo! I wonder what sort of flower it is? Potatoes without tambourine was clearly missing a vital element - you can't go wrong with a tambourine...;-)

1:15 p.m.  
Blogger anj said...

i love this photo - thank you for sharing it with us. Thinking of you in all the rain.

2:17 p.m.  

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