Sunday, April 18, 2004

cracks that let the light shine in

This morning, I read Steve's wedding sermon for his friends Nick and Marion. One of the very strange parts of the internet is the voyeuristic sense of being a little too involved in the intimate parts of peoples' lives. On the other hand, I am often given little [sometimes HUGE] glimpses of grace that would otherwise have passed me by.

Reality is what what cracked me open today. Here are a couple of quotes:

"There is a French philosopher with the rather unfortunate name of Nancy. Jean Luc Nancy. Mr Nancy can’t stand false “oneness”. He can’t stand relationships and marriages and communities that just put up a good front.

But Mr Nancy does not give up on marriage. Instead Mr Nancy argues that true relationships, deep oneness, starts with us being real. Starts with each of us acknowledging that there will be disappointment and a bad taste. Because when we are real, when we face our limitations and name our struggles. We are then able to see other reality, to face others limitations and struggles."


"Nick and Marion, you are Christians. You follow a God who accepted you.
Who knew your reality and your limitations. Who loved you as you are.
This is what love is: that God loved us and sent his Son to be the means by which are sins are forgiven. These are the g and j words. God, who loved us in sending us a Son called Jesus.

God.....who did not accept false oneness, who looked past all our “good fronts”

God accepting our reality and our limitations."

"who did not accept false oneness". Why, oh why have I spent so much of my life trying to convince God that I am worthy of his acceptance? Why have I spent over 15 years avoiding Jesus because I can't live up to His ideal and am too proud to want his help? I don't want his help. I want to be accepted and adored for who I actually am; proud, quirky, hurting, succeeding, gifted, broken, whole and fragmented.

It cracked me open this morning to see in black and white the wholeness, the holiness, of being exactly who you are. Limited. Real. And that the brokeness is a much stronger building block than perfection or good intentions could ever be. I felt hope inside. It bubbled. That sense of 'maybe' got in a bit deeper, moving a bit of the performance aside. Maybe Jesus does accept me and won't force his change upon me. Maybe my limitations are the attractive part about me. Maybe, in my limitations and reality, the foundations stones of true building are laid down. In moving away from falsity, embracing my limitations, my disappointments, my reality, space is made for ME. I can move away from pursing false one-ness with Jesus and maybe just be. Be acceptable and accepted.


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